Punaruthan Voluntary Organisation (PVO) has been selected during the year 2016 and managing the Urban PHC of Sahadevkhunta, Balasore town Municipality Area successfully with a good no of OPD patients and increased its credibility in this underserved area with the support,cooperation and suggestion from the Corporate members, Local representatives, ASHAs,ANMs and AWWs members, and intellectuals of the area.During the management of the health centre we have faced some problems but these problems overcome with the collaborative effort of the staff members, local intellectual and other people of the area. PVO involved in organizing various Outreach Programmes, awareness campaigns, Outreach Health Camp, MAS & WKS Meeting and religious people motivation camp, school awareness camp time to time to enhance the awareness and acceptance among the Slum community. I am taking the great pleasure to present the “Annual Report for the Year 2016 -17” which is highlighting the innovative activities, best practices followed, dedicated efforts undertaken by PVO with the positive support from the Government of Odisha and National Urban Health Mission. I am too much thankful to all who were directly or indirectly involved in this collaborative effort for the better management of the Urban PHC and to provide better health services in this Slums area.
Kamalakanta Barik